Home » Block of the Month

Block of the Month

Block of the Month— bdieges designs©2025

(Unfortunately, I am no longer designing Blocks of the Month)

  • These copyrighted designs are not to be used for any commercial purpose, i.e., incorporated into a pattern or a quilt made for sale or printed and handed out or posted on the internet.
  • If you made a quilt with the blocks and entered it in a show, please identify the designer of the blocks with this website.
  • Even if you have made a block or two, I would love to see them as well.
  • To share a picture of the quilt or block, by contacting me through my email:

bdieges @ gmail.com (LEAVE out the spaces.)


45 Responsesso far.

  1. Not sure what happened, I have emailed the lady here and she has not responded. So I hope she is fine just busy, wish we could continue this quilt along.

    • I am so sorry everyone, I completely forgot to refresh this page! For some strange reason, I am not getting notifications of comments.

  2. Is the block for April not ready?
    Love your work, patterns are always appreciated 🙂 thank you

    • Did you get April’s pattern? I was able to get it by going in thru her blog. Try that.

      Thank you for the BOM!

      • Thank you Sharon – I do have it now 🙂 Your help was very much appreciated.

  3. Thank you so much for again doing a BOM! I was wondering if you will be doing the EQ file as well for 2022? Thank you.

  4. Was there finishing directions for 2021 BOM? I kept looking every day and it said finishing directions but it wouldn’t allow me to open it.

  5. Hello,
    I miss the December Block of the month. Where can I find it. Or is November the last document?
    I wih you a blessed New Year.

    • I don’t know what happened, but the page actually was gone! I had to repost it. It is there now and working.

  6. I have block one on my blog, DesertSky Quilting, and you’ll get a ping back, I’m sure, because I linked the BOM site. It isn’t perfect, but I’m pleased with it anyway. You have permission to pull the photo off and use it, if you like.

    • Welcome!! Look forward to seeing your blocks. Please share pictures, that is the only way we can enjoy each other’s work in this virtual world!

  7. Love this block of the month. Have been a long time fan of your designs and book.. I am doing mine smaller..6 1/2″ ..
    Thank you so much for sharing this with us!

  8. How do I go about getting your monthly blocks during the time they are offered for free? Thank you, Diane

  9. Thanks for for the cds I look at one tonight sure when i’ll get to do one as I have 6 blocks to to do each month until Dec.so will be very busy Bev

  10. I downloaded jan/feb/but didn’t realize that the templates were separate. can you help me w/getting the templates.

    • Those two months did not have separate template pages. The leaf and petal are the templates as shown on that one page.

  11. Hi I do not know if you remember me it has been a few years. I love the Oma quilt! Well we use to be in contact with each other on a yahoo group with Mary K…Beginners and Beyond, but I lost touch with a lot of people after Mary K passed on, but I am so glad that I found you again. Are you selling the Oma pattern? Would love to have a copy of it. Now that I found you again I look forward to staying in touch….

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